Jean N.S. Kabuta

After teaching Germanic languages at high school and African linguistics and literatures at Ghent University (Belgium), I devote myself today to writing, especially of poetry, and to training. I developed the Kasàlà concept or, more precisely, Contemporary Kasàlà, from my Ph.D. on Self-praise in African Oral Traditions. In 1995, I founded the non-profit organisation Kasàlà, which aims at promoting African thought, especially by spreading the Kasàlà art worldwide, through publications, workshops, seminars and lectures. Having associated this oral poetry of joy with writing, meditation, internal movement and sensorial choreography, I supplied new dimensions to it, such as: a method of healing relational problems, a tool for preventing the illnesses of the "I" and a way to spiritual elevation. African philosophy figure prominently in my work as initiation ways into the celebration of life through the person and the nature. I teach in English, French, Dutch, Kiswahili and Cilubà.
A few books :
2002 : Dis-moi ton nom. Recall.
2003 : Eloge de soi, éloge de l'autre. P.I.E. Peter Lang.
2009 : J'ai été Troubadour du roi Baudouin. Dialogue des Peuples.
2010 : De la connaissance à l'éveil de soi. P.I.E. Peter Lang.
2015 : Le kasàlà, une école de l'émerveillement. Jouvence.